Thanks for taking the time to write your blog. I'm just getting my feet wet in the publishing world, and you have given me a place to start. I have written a children's picture book. I've been rejected by three publishers so far, and searched dozens of other LDS publishers who are not accepting submissions in this genre. Would you please direct me? I don't know what to do next.
Picture books are tough for small niche publishers, unless they specialize in picture books. Full color layouts and quality illustrations are very expensive.
Picture books, in general, don't sell well unless you win an award. (Think about how many you buy vs how many you check out at the library.) If your picture book targets an LDS market, sales will be even smaller, making it unlikely that the publisher will make a return on the investment.
Of course, there are exceptions to this—but it requires killer illustrations (which the publisher usually provides), an exceptional story line, and most of the time, it must appeal to both children and adults.
Where do you go now?
I'd suggest you join SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators) or at the very least, scour their site for information. Attending one of their conferences may also help. Networking with others who write picture books will steer you in the right direction.

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I appreciate knowing that I'm not the only person frustrated by the picture book publishing process! Good luck getting your book out there!
And they expect you to communicate an exceptional story line without actually using words. How are kids supposed to learn to read?!
You are right. I totally agree with you,Linne.
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