
Whitney Awards List

I received lots of titles and have updated the list in the sidebar. If you sent me a title and it's not on the list, it's because:
  1. I couldn't find a working link to it

  2. The link you sent had info that indicated it was not published in 2007

  3. It was an e-book (which I don't think are eligible) My mistake. E-books are eligible, as are self-published books.
Please make my life easier:
When you send a link, please be sure that it is correct. Do not add spaces in the URL, even if it's really long.

By providing this list, I am in no way endorsing the quality or content of the titles on the list. This is for your information only. Read the books at your own risk.

I do know how to alphabetize:
For the one person who thinks I don't know how to alphabetize book titles correctly, I know that the "A" and the "The" at the front of the titles don't count. But you know, I have a real job and a real life which do not include alphabetizing the Whitney Award book list. Nor does it include categorizing them by genre or publisher--although you are welcome to do that yourself and put a link to your list in the comments of any of these posts. But back to alpahbetizing, I use Blogger's Links List widget; I click "Alphabetize List" and it does the rest. (This is also why I must have a working link for each title. The Links List widget doesn't let me list a title unless it has a link.)

Isn't this amazing:
I knew LDS fiction was growing in leaps and bounds, but I had no idea. This list is certainly impressive, isn't it? And we still have several months left in the year. Please, keep the new titles coming.


Stephanie Black said...

E-books are eligible. So are self-published books.

Josi said...

Holy cow, I had no idea either. Thanks for the list.