
Writing Prompt Friday

Oh. My. Goodness! Is it Friday already? I suppose I could blame my lack of posts on my Internet connection which has been giving me fits lately, but really, I think I just had too much fun at the Whitney Awards last weekend. It's taken me this long to recover.

So. We're back to Writing Prompt Friday. Here is your prompt:

Your MC is just back from the gym (or a jog) and is going to take a shower.

From this angle, everything in their bathroom looks perfectly normal.

But when they pull aside the shower curtain...

Write up to 1,000 words inspired by this photo/scenario.

If you post your story on your blog, feel free to leave a link in the comments section.


LisaAnn said...

That was a fun one. Check out my attempt.


Angie said...

I'm always a little paranoid about what's behind the shower curtain. ;)

Elizabeth Morgan said...

I find it difficult to write something in the bathroom. It doesn't always have good memories.